Our Best, Every Day.
We believe respect is key aspect for any high-performance establishment. At EdenCare Plus we ensure there is a healthy environment where both staff and service users feel valued and cared for as individuals.
Striving For Eminence & Excellence!
Who We Are
Achieving better health care one individual at a time!
We believe that every individual we support has a voice that deserves to be heard and for that reason we aspire to support every indiviadual we support’s choice and decision the best we can without putting their safety and security at risk. In addition, we will also ensure that the individuals we support maximise their independence to the best of their ability so frequently we will work in partnership with family, friends and other professional teams to achieve this.
Not just better healthcare, but a better healthcare experience!
Launched Projects:
Our Specialty
Personal Care
Live In Care
End of Life Care
Job Opportunity
We're Currently Recruiting
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For A Free Non-Obigatory Care Assessment!
If you think you, or someone you know, needs help to cope day-to-day, the first step is to get a needs assessment!